Back of the Embroidery
Everyone’s writing process is different, but sometimes learning new tricks and techniques can get you going. So here’s a back-of-the-embroidery look at what went into writing A Cactus Among Wolves.
Everyone’s writing process is different, but sometimes learning new tricks and techniques can get you going. So here’s a back-of-the-embroidery look at what went into writing A Cactus Among Wolves.
The life of a writer may seem dull on the surface (envision me standing at my keyboard in wool socks), but don’t be fooled. Writing is fraught with danger. I realized this while reflecting on my forays into amateur ceramics.
When I started my writing journey, I became an undercover agent. I didn’t give myself a code name, but I treated my manuscript like a Top Secret classified document. I didn’t let anyone read it. No one. Not a person, a dog, or a canary saw my work for three years, two months, and eighteen days.
The warrior and the artist live by the same code of necessity, which dictates that the battle must be fought anew every day. Steven Pressfield There’s something about beginnings that freak me out. I stare at the blank page for a while, then I decide to go make some tea. I come back with my…